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These 8 Words Will Help Increase Charitable Donations

Trends that drive charitable donations are constantly changing, and there are many ways to set your nonprofit up for success. In addition to your engaging stories, simplified donation form, and marketing strategy, there are a few changes you can adopt that could motivate more donors to take action.

While raising funds can be challenging, the secret to more donations can be as simple as honing in your language. In this post, we'll list eight words to help you increase donations and how to incorporate them into your nonprofit conversations.

1. [Name]

Have you ever had somebody call you by the wrong name or forget your name altogether? How does that make you feel? Even if you didn't take it as offensive, it still didn't necessarily make you feel important, did it?

The same applies to your donors. Remembering someone's name is one of the best ways to connect with someone. Ask for your donor's name before jumping into a pitch of why they should donate to your organization. It adds a personalized touch - plus, they are more likely to show interest and listen to your message.


"We need your help, Mrs. ______."

"Mr. ____, your donation will bring clean water to people in need."

2. Small

We all know that small steps can make significant changes. Based on some consumer behavior research by Dr. Rober Cialdini, adding the word "small" delivered drastically different results.

These small commitments can later turn into much more significant results. By letting donors know that every penny counts, your donors will better understand how impactful their actions are. Pro-tip: always know your audience; while $15 can be small for some, it can be more pricey for others.


"Would you be willing to help by giving a small $5 donation?"

"A small $5 donation will help provide medical assistance and food for families in need."

3. Because

People donate for many reasons. Some donate from the willingness to help others, and some want to make their communities a better place. When you provide the reasons, people are more likely to support your cause. This will also help them understand your mission better and determine whether or not it aligns with theirs.

If you want your donors to support your cause, give them a reason. Ellen Langer's experiment explains it best.


"Support kids in need because their education is in our hands."

"Donate to our education programs and transform lives today."

4. Today

In today's busy world, let your donors know that today's actions can create an impact in the short and long term. Establishing a sense of urgency encourages people to take action.


"Donate today and help those sleeping in the streets."

"We need your help today to supply food to shelters."

5. Thank you

Manners never get old. Just like when we were young, and our parents taught us to say "thank you" to others, the fundraising world is no exception. Always follow up with your donors and thank them for any amount they could contribute, and do it regularly.


"Thank you for your thoughtful donation, Mr. _____."

"Thanks to you, the community was fed."

6. Immediately/instantly

Gregory Ciotti wrote in his online resource "10 Ways to Convert More Customers Using Psychology":

"Our brains love instant gratification, and we become more prone to buy when we're reminded that we can solve our problems quickly. When consumers know they will be rewarded immediately, they will be anxious to buy more products."

While nonprofits aren't selling products, we're offering the same feeling of making a purchase. Make sure to give the donor the certainty that their gift will have an immediate effect on helping the cause, and we assure you that they will feel more satisfied.


"Thank you for your gift. We will immediately send you a text message from our staff in the field so you can see the impact of your donation."

"When you donate, you will receive an email with the profile of the animals whose lives are instantly starting to transform."

7. Join

Humans are social animals, and science can back it up. We look to the actions and behavior of others to determine our own. People are more likely to donate when they know others are supporting a cause as well.


"Join your colleagues in helping people in your community by donating a small gift."

"Join over 5,000 donors from Arkansas."

8. Experts

Finally, trust is the most valuable aspect of every partnership. You can establish credibility in various ways, including using testimonials that support your cause and providing links to supporting research. This will likely build a stronger connection between your organization and your donors.


"Support our team of experts that are already making a difference in communities in need."

"Your gift will help our experts build a supply of food for those most in need."

Be natural

While these words can make a big difference, make sure to use them in a way that is not forced and sounds natural. You don't want your donors to lose credibility if you use them all at once and expect them to donate. Incorporate these words so that they naturally fit into your conversations with donors, and you'll notice the difference.

We hope you found these words sound, and if you want to see our client representatives in action, visit our contact section, and we will be happy to assist you in engaging more supporters and earning more donations.

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